Thomas C. Leager For US Senate
Hello, I’m Thomas Leager, the America First candidate, join my campaign for the US Senate representing Wisconsin. With a strong commitment to family values, economic growth, and individual liberties, I’m dedicated to putting Wisconsin families first. Learn more about my vision for a prosperous future, stance on key issues, and how you can support my mission to bring positive change to the State of Wisconsin.

Thomas C. Leager, born in Milwaukee, WI, in 1987, is a Populist America First conservative who has been a 2A activist since 2016. He was a main organizer for ReOpen Wisconsin 2020, which protested against Covid Lockdowns and mandates, leading to the stripping of Governor Tony Evers’ emergency powers. As Executive Director of Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc., he lobbied for the Second Amendment. Currently working two jobs, Leager feels overtaxed, over-regulated, overworked, and underappreciated, like many Americans.

Thomas in his own words;
I was approached by my community to run for US Senate, a duty I accepted despite the challenges. I gained ballot access with over 4000 signatures, indicating Wisconsin’s readiness for an America First candidate. America First means closed borders, protecting American markets and workers, restoring the American Dream, defending 2A, protecting children from radical gender theory, shrinking the federal government, and holding it accountable for weaponizing against citizens. I also aim to end mandatory spending, bring troops home, and support President Donald J. Trump in Making America Great Again.
My mother worked in food service and various clerical jobs. My father did everything from working in HVAC to being Chief Maintenance Engineer for ADM Milling. When I was young, he would take me with him to HVAC jobs, to hand him tools and do errands. He instilled a strong work ethic in me, and taught me to not fear getting my hands dirty to fix a problem. He also instilled a deep respect for this country and its roots. From an early age, I learned to have a healthy respect for truth and fairness, and to always stand up in the face of injustice, even if I was the only one.
As I grew up, I watched my hometown of West Allis, WI, named for its proximity to the Allis Chalmers factory, which made tractors and farm machinery turn into a rust belt dystopia. West Allis is a microcosm that encapsulates the massive political failures of the late 20th and early 21st century. My family were born and raised Pro-Democrat and Pro-Union. But I saw the devastation in my parent’s faces when they found out they were being betrayed by the very party they voted for parents’ NAFTA was just the beginning. Yet, I watched as the city of my youth was stripped bare of its industrial success and then lit on fire by the opioid epidemic of OxyCONTIN.ADM Milling went from taking up a massive 4 whole city blocks on 43rd Street, to being sold selling meals to corporations. Pressed Steel Tanks, Allis Chalmers, main street… They all left. Main Street goes from a thriving and varied haven of small businesses, to a homogeneous monstrosity of global corporate tripe.
The dream of owning a business, owning a home, having a family, a two-car garage, a white picket fence… Poof, gone with the winds of globalization and corporate mobilization. Now, they tell you, the future is the subscription (rental) model, you will own nothing and be happy. I ask, what is the difference between renting and share cropping or feudalism? Are you any better than a serf in this system? Are you better just living off the good graces of a corporate global oligarchy, lords and ladies of the new age?
Now, I manage a grocery store. I work in customer service. I see the nihilism and desperation in the faces of ordinary Americans. Weighing the decisions between a bologna sandwich for dinner and being able to afford to do the laundry. Penny pinched to barely make it by… It’s time for a change. I am an average person, same as you; trying to survive in an economy that forces us to rob Peter to pay Paul. I am not a life-long political animal. I am not a millionaire. I am just a millennial that is fed up, and wants to help make America affordable again, make the American Dream of homeownership real again, and Make America Great for Americans Again.
We need volunteers that want to put #AmericaFirst
— Leager For US Senate (@Leager4Senate) July 11, 2024
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