A lot has been said in the last week or so about my campaign: many half-truths and outright lies.
But, rather than bandy words and try to refute the dishonest press, I’d like to talk to the voters about why I’m running, who I am, what I believe, and why I think Wisconsin and America can ill-afford another term from either establishment candidates.
Both Hovde and Baldwin represent the interests of those who have driven us to the brink of WWIII and economic collapse. Those that have enabled the invasion of our southern border, promoted social disorder, rampant crime, and forever wars.
They represent the old guard that despises the growing unity of the America First movement and wants to keep the status quo where Americans are the first taxed and the last considered.
Who am I?
My name is Thomas Leager, I work two jobs to keep my head above water like so many in the current economy must. I’m a working-class guy who refuses to let the country I love turn into a Banana Republic, without a fight.
I believe in the vision that the Founders of our great nation had for these United States.
I started dabbling in politics around 2015/16, beginning with organizing Pro-2A grassroots protests against Red Flag Laws and the incessant onslaught against our Right to Bear Arms.
I proceeded to organize a bi-partisan anti-lockdown protest, ReOpen Wisconsin in 2020, aimed at opening up the state before the entirety of our local small businesses were destroyed.
The protest was a success, but sadly relief came too late for many of those same small businesses.
It was shortly after this that the FBI began openly weaponizing itself against conservative, right-wing populists, and constitutional activists.
The FBI tried to entrap me and succeeded in entrapping some of my friends, in their performatory “kidnapping” plot of Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The only thing we were guilty of was that we loved our country, trained with guns, and griped about the abuses being heaped upon us by our government.
After that, as I tried to regain a normal life, I began advocating for the other victims of the FBI’s entrapment plot and proceeded to defend our 2A rights as a state lobbyist for Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc.
Many would have given up, but I refused to be silenced.
I decided to run for office.
I made the mistake of trusting the Patriots Run Project. But, despite the PRP’s motives, I again refuse to let that turn me aside from what I believe is right. I believe in the real change my campaign stands for, and I intend to win.
What are the main goals of America First?
The main goals of America First, are to bring together the best parts of the anti-establishment and liberty-centric populism stirring in America. Putting Americans first, before galavanting across the globe to fix other nation’s problems. America First creates a unified front against the lies and corruption that have taken root in our halls of power and focuses on bringing true accountability to the government.
We need to restore our Country.
The Associated Press can twist my words, and lie about me, knowing that I cannot possibly fight their far-reaching lie factory.
I am not thrilled that the “Patriots Run Project” lied, but at the end of the day, I’m grateful and blessed to have the chance to try and serve the State and Country I love to the best of my ability.
My main goal is to help Wisconsin and America heal and return to sanity.
We need to put the Constitution First!
We need to put our Children First!
We need to put our American Workers First!
We need to put our Sovereignty First!
We need to put AMERICA FIRST!