Save America
My Plan To Help Get Us Back On Track
I am an average person, same as you; trying to survive an economy that forces us to rob Peter to pay Paul. I am not a life long political animal. I am not a millionaire. I am just a millenial that is fed up, and wants to help make America affordable again, make the American Dream of home ownership real again, and Make America Great for Americans Again.

What does America First mean?
-Closed Borders, Deportation of Illegal Immigrants, Pro-Sovereignty.
-Protecting American Markets and Workers, First. Using tariffs, banning Chinese acquisition of American Farmland, and spurring on economic growth via deregulation.
-Restoring the American Dream of home ownership.
-Restoring the 2A to its intended state, “Shall not be infringed”!
-Protecting Children from radical gender theory in school, ending harmful hormone therapies and surgeries that use children as guinea pigs.
-Shrinking the size of the Federal government and appropriating bloated budgets to things that will benefit the American people.
-Ending the insolvent SSI and Medicare programs, which leverage our children’s future. We can do this by allowing those 50 yrs + to collect as normal, and allowing an opt-out/pay-out to those 49 and younger. Those who choose to opt out will have the option to get cash, or take what they’ve paid into these programs and have it placed in health savings accounts and high yield retirement accounts. How? By shrinking govt and using the budgets from bloated federal agencies to fund this transition away from insolvent federal programs.
-Holding government workers, agencies, and employees accountable for the weaponization of government against the American people. This has been an ever-increasing issue since 2001, and the implementation of the Patriot Act. We must begin the massive undertaking of firing life-long entrenched bureaucrats who have wielded power with 0 accountability.
-Bringing our troops home and creating peace through strength and ending the practice of world policing.
-Ending corporate welfare
-Get rid of regulatory capture (I.E. Regulations that serve as graft. How does regulatory capture work? It is done by creating regulations that serve as an insulary barrier from real market competition for the largest corporations. Essentially, keeping the little guy from ever being able to compete. Where a large corporation can absorb regulatory costs, the small business cannot. Therefore, certain markets like Pharmacueticals and the Medical Industry, to name two, can artificially inflate prices, and operate without any competition, accountability, or transparency, because they are the only game in town.
-I will support President Donald J. Trump in Making America Great Again!